Trumbo is an American dramatic biopic of Jay Roach from the year 2015. The film stars occupy Bryan Cranston, Diane Lane, Helen Mirren, Louis C. K., Elle Fanning, John Goodman and Michael Stuhlbarg. The film takes place in the 1940s to 1950s in Hollywood and acts of screenwriter Dalton Trumbo. It is based on the biography Dalton Trumbo, which was written by author Bruce Alexander Cook.
The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival 2015 premiere, where it was shown in the Special Presentations. In the United States Trumbo was released on November 6, 2015; The film came mostly positive reviews, which mainly lead actor Bryan Cranston won over the critics and was nominated among other things for an Oscar and a Golden Globe Award. but were criticized historical content errors and poor representations of important personalities and events.
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